eCourts Portal of Western Australia - Help: Decisions


The menu on the left of the screen lists the different categories by which you can sort and view the decisions.

  • Recent Decisions - decisions published in the last 90 days
  • Recent Decisions and Catchwords - catchwords for decisions published in the last 90 days
  • By Citation Number - decisions categorised by year, and citation number
  • Decisions by Party Name - decisions categorised by the party name, using the first two letters and characters of the party name
  • Matter Number – decisions categorised by year, number, and then matter type in alphabetical order
  • The decisions appear in the viewing window in the centre of the screen.
  • You expand a row of data by clicking on the expand icon , and collapse a row of data by clicking on the collapse icon .


You can choose between the Search and the Advanced Search options.


Search scans all the decisions in the database for a word, words or a phrase that appear anywhere in that decision.

Simply type the word into the box in the left-hand side of the screen, and click on the magnifying glass to search.

You can also search for multiple words.

Type AND in between each word to find decisions that contain all the words. e.g. surgeon AND dressed AND wound

Type OR in between each word to find decisions that contain at least one of the words. e.g. surgeon OR wound

If you wish to exclude certain results, you may search by typing each word, and separate with NOT. e.g. surgeon NOT wound

To search for a literal phrase, enclose the phrase in quotes. e.g. "The plastic surgeon dressed the wound"

You may also use a combination of these, e.g. surgeon AND wound NOT dressed

Advanced Search

The "Advanced Search" allows you to search for specific words, dates or texts within different parts of the decisions.

To search for specific words or phrases within a decision, simply enter the words or phrases in the Search for box.

You can also search by entering criteria for a specific case name, party and coram.

You must be exact when searching by case name. This includes any formatting, and the inclusion of 'ORS' or 'ANOR' to indicate multiple parties;

  • Supreme Court: [NAME] -v- [NAME] e.g. SMITH -v- JONES
  • District Court: [NAME] -v- [NAME] e.g. SMITH -v- JONES
  • Family Court: [NAME] and [NAME] e.g. SMITH and JONES
  • Children’s Court: [NAME] -v- [NAME] e.g. A -v- Z
  • State Administrative Tribunal: [NAME] and [NAME] e.g. SMITH and JONES
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation: [NAME] and [NAME] e.g. SMITH and JONES

If you select to search for a Decision Type of Judgment, you may also enter search criteria for catchwords and a delivered date.

If you select to search for a Decision Type of Sentencing Remarks, you may also enter search criteria for offence, sentence imposed and date of sentence.

Court Identifiers

  • FCWA – Family Court of Western Australia
  • FCWAM – Family Court of Western Australia, Magistrates Court
  • WACC – Children’s Court
  • WACIC – Criminal Injuries Compensation Assessor
  • WADC – District Court
  • WADCSR – District Court Sentencing Remarks
  • WAEOT – Equal Opportunity Tribunal
  • WAGAB – Guardianship and Administration Board of Western Australia
  • WALLC – Liquor Licensing Court
  • WASAT – State Administrative Tribunal
  • WASC – Supreme Court
  • WASCA – Supreme Court – Court of Appeal
  • WASCSR – Supreme Court Sentencing Remarks
  • WASTR – Strata Titles Referee of WA
  • WATPAT – Town Planning Appeal Tribunal of WA

Frequently Asked Questions

I work for a law firm, how do I get access to unpublished decisions? Is there a subscription fee?

All eCourts Portal accounts linked to law firms are automatically given access to decisions that have been finalised (but not published). There is no fee to access this data.