eCourts Portal of Western Australia - Help: Work and Development Permits

Reporting Approved Activity Hours (or Part Thereof) Under an Approved WDP

When you, as a sponsor, have agreed to sponsor a person under a WDP, you will be required to manage the reporting of the hours that a person undertakes in agreed activities under the WDP.

01. Log into the eCourts Portal.

02. Click on Work and Development Permits.

The Fines Enforcement Registry Home page displays.

03. Click on Manage Work and Development Permits

The Manage Work Permits screen appears.

Pending Permits and Approved Permits are displayed.

  • Pending Permits are WDP applications that you have submitted on behalf of a person that are pending the approval of the Registrar Fines Enforcement Registry.  It should be noted that a person cannot start a WDP until the WDP application has been approved.
  • Approved Permits are WDP applications that have been approved by the Registrar Fines Enforcement Registry. 

04. You, as a sponsor, will be required to report on the agreed activities that a person undertakes. To do this click on Manage Activities.

The Manage Activities screen appears.

05. To record the approved hours of activities of a person, select the date the activity was undertaken and enter the number of hours (or part thereof). 

For example, if you as a sponsor, undertook a counselling session (as an approved activity) under an approved WDP for 1.5 hours. You would select the date the counselling took place and enter 2 hours.