Search for a Matter
01. Click on the Criminal Information link.
As a lawyer, prosecuting agency officer, or government department officer, the Conditions of Use screen appears.
02. Read the text in the Conditions of Use.
03. If you understand and agree to the conditions of use, click into the box.
A tick appears in the box.
04. Click the I Agree button.
The Search for Accused tab displays.
05. Click on the Search for Matter tab.
Search for Matter tab displays.
05. Enter in the search criteria for the relevant matter or charge:
- Matter – enter the jurisdiction, location, matter type, index number and year.
- Charge – enter the jurisdiction, location, index number and year.
Search criteria are entered.
06. Click either the Search for Matter or the Search for Charge button.
Matching results are displayed.
07. To view a matter, click on the matter title (which is a hyperlink).
Matter opens in a new tab.