What can I lodge through eLodgment?
Most document types for the jurisdictions and divisions of Court and Tribunal Services can be lodged through eLodgment. The exceptions are Coroner’s Court, Criminal and Probate. Click the ‘Lodge a Document’ link, select the relevant jurisdiction, division and location and then click on the drop-down arrow to see the full list of available document types.
A few originating document types can only be lodged through the ‘Assisted Lodgment’ wizards on the eCourts Portal home screen. So, if the document you want to lodge doesn’t appear in eLodgment then click on the home icon and use one of the assisted lodgment wizards:
- Criminal Injuries Compensation
- Extraordinary Licence
- Family Court of WA
- Magistrates Court
- Restraining Order
- State Administrative Tribunal
An error appeared whilst trying to lodge a document batch, what should I do?
Why can’t I find a matter through the Quick Matter Search?
The ‘Quick Matter Search’ is for searching for non-criminal matters. However, the jurisdictions have different business rules that determine who can search for what:
- Children’s Court – no one is allowed to search for or view children’s court civil matters.
- Criminal Injuries Compensation - only parties and legal representatives are allowed. No one is allowed to view the matter. Use this search to see the matter’s current status.
- District Court - parties, legal representatives and law firms can all search for and view matters. Law firms who aren’t representing anyone cannot view the electronic content of the file.
- Family Court - only parties and legal representatives are allowed.
- Magistrates Court - only parties and legal representatives (plus real estate agents on RSTN matters) are allowed.
- Restricted Publications - only parties and legal representatives are allowed.
- Supreme Court – parties, legal representatives and law firms can search for and view matters. Law firms can only view the electronic content of a file on which they are representing a party. This search functionality is limited to matters in the civil jurisdiction for which there is an electronic file. Matters in other jurisdictions of the Court, where no electronic file exists, cannot be searched using the Quick Matter Search.
- State Administrative Tribunal - only parties and legal representatives are allowed. Some matter types are hidden entirely (e.g. MH).
NOTE: In addition to the above rules a Court/Tribunal can also manually block a particular party/legal representative from viewing a particular matter.
The system will only allow me to upload a Word document, so how do I apply a signature to it?
If you have a Word version of a particular document that you have filled out and want to lodge, but need to apply a signature to it, then just type the name of the person signing the document into the Word document’s signature block. Then eLodge that Word document. You should also print off a copy and have that physically signed which you must keep in case the Court ever wants to see the signed original version.
For more details, some Courts’ have information on their websites:
- Magistrates Courts: https://www.magistratescourt.wa.gov.au/_files/eCourts_Portal_User_Guide.pdf (page 17, iii Document Format)
- District Court: https://www.districtcourt.wa.gov.au/_files/eLodgment_List_of_Documents.pdf (first page, top right corner in yellow)