eCourts Portal of Western Australia - Help: Welcome

Welcome to the eCourts Portal of Western Australia's Help site. Here you will find topics on all parts of the eCourts Portal. To help you navigate the Portal, the help cards in this section present a list of available options for each of Court and Tribunal Service's jurisdictions and how to get started with each option.

Getting Started with the Portal

What's New (from December 2023)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is being rolled out to all eCourts Portal accounts. All new accounts will have MFA enabled by default. Existing accounts will have MFA enabled progressively over several months. The Log In help card has been updated.


When an individual person enters their username & password and selects Log in, they will be directed to the Enter Code page. They must choose to receive their one-time verification code via email or SMS, then enter this verification code to log in. The person can select a checkbox to bypass the Enter Code page for a 7-day period. 


People working for organisations (e.g., law firm, prosecuting agency, government department) can receive their verification code via email only.

In the My Current Matters screen, a View button has been added to display the matter details (this is only available on some civil matters/files). The My Current Matters help card has been updated.

The Upload Requested Items screen's layout has been amended to improve usability and to allow an objection to be added to an individual attachment. The help card has been updated.

eCourts Portal Help has been made context sensitive. For example, if you are logged in and within eLodgment, when you click the Help link in the top banner the eLodgment help card will display by default (instead of this eCourts Portal welcome help card).