eCourts Portal of Western Australia - Help: eLodgment

Lodge a Restricted Document

A law firm lodging a document in the District Court, or the Supreme Court can indicate that a document contains information to which access is restricted by legislation or an existing order or is the subject of an application to restrict access.

01. From the eLodgment main menu click Lodge a Document

The Type of Document Lodgment screen appears.

02. Specify the jurisdiction of District Court or Supreme Court.

NOTE: For District Court you will also need to select a location. For Supreme Court you can select the division of either Appeal or Civil.

The If document is sensitive.. drop down field appears.

03. Select the type of document you wish to lodge.

04. Click on the If the document is sensitive.. drop down and select one of the below options.

Restriction Type

Document’s Name Can be Seen By

Document’s Electronic Content can be Seen By

This document is restricted pursuant to Order 67A r.10(1)(a)(i) in the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971


Lodging Party

Other Parties


This document is restricted pursuant to Order 67A r.10(1)(a)(ii) in the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971


Lodging Party

Other Parties


This document is restricted pursuant to Order 67A r.10(1)(b) in the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971



This document is restricted pursuant to Order 67A r.10(1)(c) in the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971

Lodging Party

Other Parties

Lodging Party

Other Parties

The relevant option is selected.

05. Proceed through the wizard and lodge the document as normal.

After lodging the document, the system marks it as “restricted”, and the relevant type of restriction is applied.